About us Greeting Way to come
About us
Strength and experience can be trusted.
Trust with customers and creation of value for developed products are our top priorities.
We are a mutually trustworthy company based on the belief that we can make the lives of our customers happy through creative and challenging technology development, And we will make the best products through close communication and cooperation with our customers.
We are creates the value of
products with skill and constant passion.
Lee Kim Electronics concentrates all technology and product development research capabilities to adapt and compete with various experiences, and provides the best quality through close communication and cooperation with customers. We will be with our customers based on our long-term expertise and know-how.


We work together with our customers with creative products.


We put trust with our customers first.


We value our promises to our customers.


With constant passion, we grow together with our customers.
We inform you of the path that Lee Kim Electronics has walked since its establishment.
  • 12Established a company specializing in R&D